Happy Easter!

Easter Bunny Treat Bag

I hope you’re having a lovely day with your family and/or friends. Even though Easter is a Christian celebration of the resurrection of Christ, and not all about bunnies and eggs, I still wanted to share this cute bunny treat bag with you. Wishing you a Happy Easter!

Easter Bunny Treat Bag

The Fixin’s

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Happy Easter!

Country Floral Lane Diagonal Pop-Up

Country Floral Lane Diagonal Pop Up

We made this as a Valentine in my January clubs, but honestly if you just leave out the sentiment inside, this Country Floral Lane Diagonal Pop Up card makes a beautiful friendship card.

Country Floral Lane Suite Collection

The Country Floral Lane Suite Collection comes with TWO sets of Designer Series Paper (one is 6″ x 6″ and the other is 12″ x 12″). Although the punch is currently unavailable, you can still purchase the rest of the collection individually.

Country Floral Lane Diagonal Pop-Up

Country Floral Lane Diagonal Pop Up

This diagonal pop-up fun fold is another easy fold. The base is 4 1/4″ x 8 1/2″, folded in half. Then score the front of the card diagonally from bottom left to top right. Fold this toward the inside of the card. Be sure to only add adhesive to the bottom right half of the front layers (below the score) or your card won’t pop up.

The inside

Country Floral Lane Diagonal Pop Up inside

You’ll need a “stop” to hold the front of your card open. I’ve added a small, punched heart with a Dimensional to raise it up. The front of the card will prop against this.

The fixin’s

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Bewitching Stars Treat Bag Tutorial

Bewitching Stars Treat Bag

In my August Stamp Club, we made this cute little Bewitching Stars Treat Bag. I thought it was too cute and easy not to share with you.

Bewitching Bundle

I absolutely LOVE punches. They are so quick and easy to work with, so imagine my delight when I saw this cute little bundle in the 2022 Jul-Dec Mini Catalog. I couldn’t wait to use this one.

Stars Treat Bags

I’m also using the Stars Treat Bags for today’s project. These bags come in a package of ten and the stars are already cut out. You can insert any color DSP (Designer Series Paper) or cardstock to get the look you need for your project.

Bewitching Stars Treat Bag

For my project, I used Memento Tuxedo Black ink, Highland Heather Cardstock and Blends, Granny Apple Green Blends, and some of the new Glitter Washi Tape. To see exactly what was used and how it was made, click on the FREE Tutorial button below!

Bewitching Stars Treat Bag

The fixin’s

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