Three ways to earn during Sale-a-bration! Shop, Host or Join and get FREE products!
Earn FREE product with every $60 order. If your order is $120, earn TWO Level One products or ONE Level Two product. Order $180 and get one of each or THREE Level One products!! Shop your way!
Gather your friends and let’s party! Or, collect orders or place your own order. If your order is $300 or more, you’ll earn an extra $30 in Stampin’ Rewards!!
Join my team and get $125 in product of your choice for only $99 plus tax. Shipping is included. And, to make this offer even better, you may choose one of Two BONUS options!
Option 1: Choose TWO sets of Stampin’ Write markers (Brights, Neutrals, Regals, Subtles) PLUS a beautiful stamp set exclusively designed to work with them. ($91 value)
Option 2: Choose an additional $30 in FREE product.
If you order online, please help me out and add the Host Code to your order. If your order is $150 or more, don’t use the Host Code because you’ve earned FREE Stampin’ Rewards!
When your order is $50 or more, you’ll receive a FREE Bundle of 16 Tutorials as a special gift. These Tutorials are sent by email manually twice a month so give it a few days to arrive.
Thanks for supporting my small business. I appreciate every single order!!