Veterans Fourth of July Project

Do you know what 90 pinwheel tabletop decorations look like?  Well, here’s a picture!

Last week, a few of us got together to make decorations for our local VA Center.  Each resident will get one of these to decorate their room for Independence Day.  The pinwheels are from a Paper Pumpkin kit from 2014, so I’ve had these in my closet for a while.


Yes, it was a lot of work, but thanks to these lovely ladies, it went quickly.  The lady in the middle, my good friend Nancy, came up with this cute idea, and provided everything but the pinwheels.  Thanks, Nan!

If you have free time, I highly recommend reaching out to your local VA Center, to see if there are ways you can help show our veterans how much we appreciate them.

God Bless the USA and those veterans and active duty service members who defend her!!

Welcome Veterans!

Happy Fourth of July!!

I hope you are having a great day celebrating the birthday of our country.  When I think about Independence Day, I’m reminded of all the veterans who have sacrificed for our freedom.

I recently gave stamped birdhouses to all my stamping friends, and they colored them and returned them to me.  We are now making them into Welcome cards for the veterans who are moving into the new Veterans Center near Fort Knox.  It’s a brand new nursing home, and they currently have 8 residents, but will have 120 once they’ve passed all the inspections.

This is the second group of cards we’ve made.  You can see the first group here.

A few people and businesses were kind enough to donate money to purchase slipper socks (you know, the ones with the rubber grips on the bottom) to be given to the new residents.  Another friend, Nancy, donated white boxes leftover from a project at her church, and we packaged the socks and decorated the boxes.  Didn’t they turn out nice?

And, here’s a picture of Janet, who helped me package and decorate this group of socks!!  We delivered them to the VA Center Wednesday.

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your holiday!  And, if you see a Veteran, thank them for their service.  It means so much to them.

Valentines for Veterans

Every year, the Bluegrass Stampers make Valentines for Veterans (VFVs) to give to our local veterans.  Last year, we took 606 VFVs to the VA hospital in Louisville.

This year, we took 422 VFVs to the VA clinic and pharmacy at the hospital at Fort Knox for distribution to the veterans.

My friend, Judy, who lives in Knoxville, TN has a valentine making party in January and sends those cards to me for this project.  Without the help of her friends, we wouldn’t have nearly as many cards!  Thanks, Judy and friends!


We had a lot of beautiful cards, but I wanted to showcase a couple of my favorites, made by my good friend, LaAnna.  Not only beautiful valentines, but patriotic as well!

If you’re a veteran, I’d like to say Thank You for Your Service!  And, thanks for stopping by today.